GET api/Reports/FilterOptions

Get list of report filters

POST api/Reports/UsageReport

Get detailed report based of the specified filter options for RMail productline

Upload controller


POST api/Upload

Upload files for email attachments.If successful , a string id is returned.

POST api/v1/Upload

Upload files for email attachments.If successful , a string id is returned.


POST Token

Using OAuth2 to get a valid bearer token.

The path for generating tokens will be :”{url}/token”. {url} is the url of the Web API.Token expires in 14 days, so if the user tries to use the same token for authentication after 14 days from the issue time, his request will be rejected and HTTP status code 401 is returned.
Content type for this request is 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'.
To get a valid token grant_type must be 'password' and username a valid email address.
Special characters in the password must be percent encoded. For example: ! should be %21 , # should be %23.

POST api/v1/Account/Register

Register a new user. An email with an activation link will be sent to the user.Request body must be in jSon format.
ContentType for this request should be "application/json; charset=UTF-8".

POST api/v1/Account/ConfirmEmail

Confirm user email. This endpoint is used for activating new user registrations.

POST api/v1/Account/ConfirmUserEmail

Confirm user email. This endpoint is used for activating new user registrations.

POST api/v1/Account/ResendActivationLink

Resends user registration activation email.This endpoint will send out the email only if user is registered and email has not been confirmed.

PUT api/v1/Account/Details

Update Firstname,LastName,PhoneNumber,TimeZone,Language of a registered user. Phone number will be updated only if the request contains a value for the phone number

GET api/v1/Account/Details

Get logged in user's account details.

GET api/v1/Account/Status/{userName}

Get user account status details.Provides information if the user is registered or not and can use the RMail email service.
Note: Request url should add a trailing '/' at the end. For example: api/Account/Status/user@example.com/

GET api/v1/Account/Status?userName={userName}

Get user account status details.Provides information if the user is registered or not and can use the RMail email service.
Note: Request url should add a trailing '/' at the end. For example: api/Account/Status/user@example.com/

POST api/v1/Account/ChangePassword

Change password.

POST api/v1/Account/ForgotPassword

Send notification for password reset.

POST api/v1/Account/ResetPasswordReminder

No documentation available.

POST api/v1/Account/ResetPassword/ValidateCode

Validate code for reset password.

POST api/v1/Account/ResetPassword

Reset password.

POST api/v1/Account/Logout


POST api/v1/Account/ValidateToken

Validate bearer token. Token should be considered valid only if response with status code 200 is returned.

POST api/v1/Account/ValidateClientToken

Validate bearer token. Token should be considered valid only if response with status code 200 is returned.


POST api/v1/Customers/Language

Set language for customer

* Administrator only feature


GET api/v1/ESign/{trackingId}/status

Get status for esign messages
Note: If tracking id is invalid or is not an esign type, no data will be returned

GET api/v1/ESign/{trackingId}/DownloadContract

Get signed contract documents by message tracking id.
Note: If tracking id is invalid, has passed its expiration date or is not an esign type, no data will be returned


GET api/v1/LargeMail/Settings

Get largemail related filesize settings.The FileSize limit value is in MB.

POST api/v1/LargeMail/Expiration

To update the Expiration date in Attachment header tables.


GET api/v1/Lookup/AccountStatusChangeReason

Get list of country codes

GET api/v1/Lookup/Country

Get list of country codes

GET api/v1/Lookup/CountryCode

Get list of country codes

GET api/v1/Lookup/Industry

Get list of industry codes

GET api/v1/Lookup/JobFunction

Get list of job function codes

GET api/v1/Lookup/TimeZone

Get list of time zones

GET api/v1/Lookup/Language

Retrieve all supported languages.

GET api/v1/Lookup/PlanType

Retrieve all plan types.

GET api/v1/Lookup/PlanRange

Retrieve all plan range values.

GET api/v1/Lookup/PlanRenewal

Retrieve all plan renewal type values.

GET api/v1/Lookup/UnitType

Retrieve all plan unit types.

GET api/v1/Lookup/AuthorizationType

Retrieve all plan authorization types.

GET api/v1/Lookup/AccountType

Retrieve all account types for provisioning. Types for adding providers - DT,SP,RS.


POST api/v1/TestMail

Send email.For a customer admin or administrator 'FromAddress' will be used from the request parameter.
For all other users as well as in the case when 'FromAddress' is not specified by an administrator user, 'FromAddress' will be logged in user's username(emailaddress).

POST api/v1/Mail

Send email.For a customer admin or administrator 'FromAddress' will be used from the request parameter.
For all other users as well as in the case when 'FromAddress' is not specified by an administrator user, 'FromAddress' will be logged in user's username(emailaddress).

POST api/v1/EmailOverSMS

No documentation available.


GET api/v1/Integration/CustomerDetails/{customerkey}

** Uses Basic Authorization. Returns customer information

GET api/v1/Integration/ProviderDetails/{providerkey}

** Uses Basic Authorization


GET api/v1/Provision/Customers

Get list of all customers


POST api/v1/Receipt/MessageStatus

Get message status.This API endpoint will return details like TrackingId, sender, recipient, status of delivery for all the messages within a given date range or a message identified by the tracking id. The maximum allowed date range is only 24 hours.
TrackingId is optional but if tracking id is passed, date range will be ignored.

POST api/v1/Receipt/MessageStatusTemp

Get message status.This API endpoint will return details like TrackingId, sender, recipient, status of delivery for all the messages within a given date range or a message identified by the tracking id. The maximum allowed date range is only 24 hours.
TrackingId is optional but if tracking id is passed, date range will be ignored.

GET api/v1/MessageInfo/{trackingId}

No documentation available.

GET api/v1/Receipt/{trackingId}

Get receipt data.This API endpoint will return compressed zip format file with the all the receipt eml files included for a message, identified by the tracking id.
Tracking id for a message is found in the acknowledgement email received.

POST api/v1/Receipt/Verify/Upload

This end point will upload the .eml file to verify the uploaded receipt file.File will be submitted to verification process and once completed email will be sent to the message sender


GET api/v1/Users/TrialStatus/{username}

To get information on the trial units left for an user.

GET api/v1/Users/TrialStatus?username={username}

To get information on the trial units left for an user.

GET api/v1/Users/TrialStatus

To get information on the units left for the logged in user.

GET api/v1/Users/TrialStatusAndUpgradeLink/{clientId}

To get trial status information including units left and upgrade link for the logged in user.

GET api/v1/Users/{emailAddress}/RegistrationStatus

Get user regitration status.Special characters in the email address if any, should be percentage encoded.
For example: If user email is adelé@somedomain.com.Request should be like: api/v1/Users/adel%c9@somedomain.com/RegistrationStatus

GET api/v1/Users/UsageRemaining

To get information on the units remaining for the logged in user for RMAIL productline.

GET api/v1/Users?address={address}

Get user information by email address.
Note: Request url should add a trailing '/' at the end.For example: api/v1/Users/user@example.com/

GET api/v1/Users/{address}

Get user information by email address.
Note: Request url should add a trailing '/' at the end.For example: api/v1/Users/user@example.com/

GET api/v1/Users/Detail

Get user details for logged in user.

GET api/v1/Users/UpgradeLink/{appName}?emailAddress={emailAddress}

Get upgrade link by email address and app name

GET api/v1/Users/UpgradeLink/{appName}?emailAddress={emailAddress}&brand={brand}

Get upgrade link by email address, app and brand name

GET api/v1/Users/ProductLink/{emailAddress}/{appName}

Get upgrade and support link by email address and app name

POST api/v1/Users/ClearEncryptionPassword

Clear user encryption password

* RPost Administrator only feature